From time to time, I encounter individuals who need an abundance of information prior to launching their 5LINX Business. After viewing an online presentation (which can be found by clicking here), perhaps half of all viewers will say, "Ummm...looks good but I need to do my research." Most are genuine in this reply. (A select few who use this line haven't figured out how to say "no" due to prejudice or a previous bad experience with a pushy amateur. This alone causes most people to shun network marketing. But that's a story for another blog. Let's assume you are genuinely inquiring and wish to dig deeper).
I actually love it because I was personally the same way. I needed to read EVERY article, scour EVERY press release, watch EVERY video and needed to fact-find. To be honest, I wasn't even sure what I was looking for; I just wanted to feel confident enough in my decision to join 5LINX. After all, no one wants to launch a business with a company that will steal their money or act without integrity. My fact-finding mission was not just to appease me--but to make sure that when I shared this with friends and family, that I could personally vouch for this business and profession and not feel like an idiot. (I'm the youngest of five children so perhaps it was subconsciously my effort to prove that I'm not the "baby". But I digress). Suffice it to say, my research checked out.
What I found was shocking to me: Publications and news agencies such as INC Magazine, various, NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates, The Wall Street Journal, Direct Selling News, The Direct Selling Association, Better Business Bureau (BBB), Rochester Business Journal, Success from Home Magazine and so much more did their due diligence on 5LINX, its founders and its top earners. As I sat in my living room in May of 2011, I decided to go all-in. And it was the best decision I made. It might be time for you to go through that same journey. However, no one can make that decision, but you.
The purpose of this blog is to provide a one-stop shop for anyone to do their due diligence on 5LINX. Yup. The whole sha-bang. 400+ Videos which includes news reports, radio interviews and presentations. Over 30 articles, press releases and links; most of which were created by third party news publications. So to all my information junkies...ENJOY!
I actually love it because I was personally the same way. I needed to read EVERY article, scour EVERY press release, watch EVERY video and needed to fact-find. To be honest, I wasn't even sure what I was looking for; I just wanted to feel confident enough in my decision to join 5LINX. After all, no one wants to launch a business with a company that will steal their money or act without integrity. My fact-finding mission was not just to appease me--but to make sure that when I shared this with friends and family, that I could personally vouch for this business and profession and not feel like an idiot. (I'm the youngest of five children so perhaps it was subconsciously my effort to prove that I'm not the "baby". But I digress). Suffice it to say, my research checked out.
What I found was shocking to me: Publications and news agencies such as INC Magazine, various, NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates, The Wall Street Journal, Direct Selling News, The Direct Selling Association, Better Business Bureau (BBB), Rochester Business Journal, Success from Home Magazine and so much more did their due diligence on 5LINX, its founders and its top earners. As I sat in my living room in May of 2011, I decided to go all-in. And it was the best decision I made. It might be time for you to go through that same journey. However, no one can make that decision, but you.
The purpose of this blog is to provide a one-stop shop for anyone to do their due diligence on 5LINX. Yup. The whole sha-bang. 400+ Videos which includes news reports, radio interviews and presentations. Over 30 articles, press releases and links; most of which were created by third party news publications. So to all my information junkies...ENJOY!