FACT: The average man in America dies just 2 years after retirement. The average African American man never even sees that day.
Statistics also show that most people are not satisfied in their jobs. See the Forbes Article here. Knowing this, tell me why it makes more sense to live the only life your going to have working in a glass prison: you can see outside, but you are trapped. In the "free world", 90% of Americans work for the other 10%, whereas these numbers were reversed only about 100 years ago. We have gone from an independent people to a dependent people; so much so, that attempting to break free of the system causes many to doubt you and pull you back in. It reminds me of the crabs in a barrel analogy which also speaks to human nature: jealousy, envy, fear and downright cruelty is the reason why its not necessary to place a lid over crabs in a barrel. As soon as a crab begins to make its way to the top, it is dragged back into the barrel. And any crab that repeatedly attempts to escape or comes close to escaping is often maimed or killed by the others.
While its debatable that crabs can experience the plethora of human emotions such as envy, the fact remains that much of what we do is often dictated by the fear of what others might say and think. And thus, this is why so many unsatisfied Americans will work at a place they do not like until retirement. A place where you are not free to go where you please and you're at the mercy of a layoff, an acquisition, a downsizing, or an "ism" (racism, sexism, favoritism, etc).
I personally made a choice to not be in that number. Actually the choice was made for me when I was handed a pink slip. Nonetheless, I along with millions of entrepreneurs have decided to say, "enough is enough." And thankfully, I was introduced to a business with a simple system that will create financial freedom. However, it is my responsibility to tell you that this business is not easy. And the hardest part is getting started. What makes it difficult is mindset--which is precisely why many who start the race will never finish. Philosopher and Best Selling Author, Bob Proctor says, "The most dangerous prison is the one you don't know you're in." When I launched my business in 2011, I was nervous. I had no experience and did not know what I was doing at first. So what was the difference? I kept my family, my future, and knowing that one day I would die of this life transform my fear into courage. I kept my motivation (aka my "WHY") in front of me--a vision board of people and the life I wish to live. And that's why I'm still passionate over three years later. So yes, changing your mindset is very hard. But I'd rather spend the next couple of years going against the grain for freedom, and traversing up the same mountaintop that every other unpopular (and now financially free) millionaire went to. Yes, doing that always beats living in a glass prison.
Statistics also show that most people are not satisfied in their jobs. See the Forbes Article here. Knowing this, tell me why it makes more sense to live the only life your going to have working in a glass prison: you can see outside, but you are trapped. In the "free world", 90% of Americans work for the other 10%, whereas these numbers were reversed only about 100 years ago. We have gone from an independent people to a dependent people; so much so, that attempting to break free of the system causes many to doubt you and pull you back in. It reminds me of the crabs in a barrel analogy which also speaks to human nature: jealousy, envy, fear and downright cruelty is the reason why its not necessary to place a lid over crabs in a barrel. As soon as a crab begins to make its way to the top, it is dragged back into the barrel. And any crab that repeatedly attempts to escape or comes close to escaping is often maimed or killed by the others.
While its debatable that crabs can experience the plethora of human emotions such as envy, the fact remains that much of what we do is often dictated by the fear of what others might say and think. And thus, this is why so many unsatisfied Americans will work at a place they do not like until retirement. A place where you are not free to go where you please and you're at the mercy of a layoff, an acquisition, a downsizing, or an "ism" (racism, sexism, favoritism, etc).
I personally made a choice to not be in that number. Actually the choice was made for me when I was handed a pink slip. Nonetheless, I along with millions of entrepreneurs have decided to say, "enough is enough." And thankfully, I was introduced to a business with a simple system that will create financial freedom. However, it is my responsibility to tell you that this business is not easy. And the hardest part is getting started. What makes it difficult is mindset--which is precisely why many who start the race will never finish. Philosopher and Best Selling Author, Bob Proctor says, "The most dangerous prison is the one you don't know you're in." When I launched my business in 2011, I was nervous. I had no experience and did not know what I was doing at first. So what was the difference? I kept my family, my future, and knowing that one day I would die of this life transform my fear into courage. I kept my motivation (aka my "WHY") in front of me--a vision board of people and the life I wish to live. And that's why I'm still passionate over three years later. So yes, changing your mindset is very hard. But I'd rather spend the next couple of years going against the grain for freedom, and traversing up the same mountaintop that every other unpopular (and now financially free) millionaire went to. Yes, doing that always beats living in a glass prison.